Modified author's order to match JSS paper.
Modified examples in order to pass CRAN checks.
Fixed compile warnings in "RngStream.c" file.
Updated CITATION file.
Added p3state.msm to Enhances field of DESCRIPTION file.
Fixed compile warnings.
Improved bibliographic references.
Temporarily removed p3state.msm from Enhances field of DESCRIPTION file.
Removed LICENSE file from build.
Improved bibliographic references.
Fixed compile error under development versions of R.
Implemented vignette compression.
Improved bibliographic references.
Added package vignette.
Improved the documentation.
Fixed compile warning in "RngStream.c" file.
Temporarily disabled OpenMP with Clang compiler in "transLS.c" file.
Corrected DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files.
Improved the documentation.
Renamed threadsTP function to setThreadsTP.
Implemented RngStreams C package for parallel random number generation.
Added setPackageSeedTP function for defining the seed of the RngStreams C package.
Added setSeedTP function for saving and restoring the individual seeds of the RNG streams used by the RngStreams C package.
Added research article to the CITATION file.
Improved the documentation.
Removed unnecessary require calls from R code.
Changed package encoding to UTF-8.
Added lines methods for TPmsm and TPCmsm objects.
Added CITATION file.
Changed parameterization of the bivariate and univariate exponential models of distribution available for the dgpTP function. Now the mean of the univariate exponential model of distribution is equal to it's parameter.
Removed symmetric and asymmetric options from window parameter in transLS, transLIN and transIPCW functions.
Changes were made to the kernel algorithms that might improve speed up to around 25% in bootstrap. This is particularly evident in the cross-validation algorithm available in the transLS function.
Hided unneeded foreign language functions inside the shared object or dynamic link library.
Added option to compute the bandwidth by cross-validation for both the location and scale functions. This applies to the Location-Scale estimator.
Fixed a bug in both the AJ and PAJ algorithms that might result in wrong transition probability estimates from state 1 to state 2 and from state 1 to state 3.
Added function.
Renamed adaptp3state function to TPmsmOut. Added option to convert a data.frame in the "TPmsm" format to a data.frame in the "etm" format.
Removed argument from dgpTP function. Now dgpTP always returns an object of class survTP.
Transition probability bootstrap confidence bands from state 1 to state 2 and from state 1 to state 3 could be wrong in previous versions. This situation affected all estimators. Fixed in this version.
Improved the documentation.
Added threadsTP function.
Changed some examples to allow them to run faster. Now all examples run with a maximum of two threads.
Fixed failed compilation under older releases of R.
First release.